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Adult Beginner Class

(White, Yellow, Orange Belts)

Training time in class will focus on dojo etiquette, basic technique, and kata (forms) practice.  Additionally, you will be exposed to basic Okinawa Karate terminology and phrases and a brief history of martial arts and Gojyu-Ryu Karate. At this level we hope to challenge your personal limitations and develop a strong foundation for future learning.

Adult Intermediate

(Green, Blue, Brown Belts)

Training time in class will continue to focus on further development of karate techniques and kata.  The concepts of proper breathing and the exploration of ki energy, through the study of the kata Sanchin begins to broaden at this level.  Karate theory, history and philosophy will continue to be embraced at a more in-depth level.

Adult Advanced

(1st Kyu, Shodan-ho, Shodan and up)

Training time in class will concentrate on more advanced technique, kata, and bunkai (application) as the student prepares to grade to Shodan (1st degree Black Belt). A greater understanding of the ethics of Karate will be more closely examined. In-depth knowledge of martial arts history, history of Okinawa Gojyu-Ryu, history of our International Meibukan Gojyu Karate Association, and terminology is further broadened. The classes at this level are designed to challenge and test the student. Higher ranking students are encouraged to take leadership and teaching roles within the dojo, either by assisting in the children’s classes and/or helping and mentoring new adult students.

*Note 1. The aforementioned class divisions are currently in effect at the Meibukan Gojyu Karate Winnipeg Dojo, subject to change at the discretion of the Chief Instructor. Changes in class scheduling will only be made for the betterment of the overall student body. Advanced notice of changes will be given.

*Note 2. There are no restrictions to the number of classes a student may attend per week.


Karate and the traditional martial arts teach us to cooperate and to seek perfection of character. While karate does indeed foster physical fitness, it is also about character development and pacifism. The balance sought through training and physical conditioning as well as through the exploration of martial philosophy, using the tools of intelligence and introspection, results in a richer life through deeper understanding of the self, and an appreciation of humanity. Through the pursuit and spirit of martial arts, one makes a choice to forge a steadfast and principled philosophy of life, establish a peace-oriented view of the world, cultivate physical strength, learn the values of courtesy and patience, and pave the way for international friendship.

The attitude of “Karate ni Sente Nashi” – “there is no first attack in karate” is instilled from the beginning, which is contrary to the philosophy of free sparring or fighting. In the current fighting arts such as the Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC), if you lose a rule-based submission style fight, you can train for another month or another year and maybe win your next match. In traditional karate, you train for a real live self-defense situation where you have only the moment. There is no second chance; either you are injured (sometimes critically) or you call upon your training and defeat your attacker.

Regular Schedule 2024-2025
Beginner - White Belts
Intermediate - Yellow Belts & Orange Belts
Senior - Green Belts & Blue Belts
- Brown Belts & Black Belts

8:00PM to 9:30PM
Adults All Belt Ranks

1:00PM to 2:30PM

Adults All Belt Ranks
8:00PM to 9:30PM
Adults All Belt Ranks

8:00PM to 9:30PM
Adults All Belt Ranks

1:00PM to 2:30PM

Adults All Belt Ranks
8:00PM to 9:30PM
Adults All Belt Ranks

12:00PM to 1:30PM
Adults All Belt Ranks

Dojo Closed

No Adult Classes

Meibukan Gojyu Karate Winnipeg

2577 Portage Avenue

Winnipeg, MB R3J 0P4


Contact Us!

Phone: 204-619-3495


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Facebook: Like us on Facebook!

Ready to get started?

Try classes for a week for free!

(Not available for Home School and Little Dragons)


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